How do I turn off/on "Tips and Tricks" pop-ups?

All users and guests to your space will start seeing "Helpful Tips & Tricks" pop-ups when they enter a Katmai space for the first time. These tips are handy for those who aren't yet familiar with all the features and benefits of Katmai's Virtual Office. 


If you'd like to turn off Helpful Hints, here's how.

While logged into your Katmai space, head to your Confidence Monitor in the top right corner and click on the Cog icon. In the Settings menu, click on the "Hide" button at the bottom next to "Helpful Hints." 


Hiding these hints will turn off any current hints. Going forward, you will continue to receive new hints as they go live. 

If you ever want to turn them back on, head back to this menu and hit the "Restart" button.