How to troubleshoot a lost connection

If you've lost your connection in Katmai, here are some troubleshooting steps to perform that'll get you back up and running.

  1. Check your connection. Make sure your Wi-Fi or network connection is stable. Check your signal strength and try moving closer to your router if necessary.
  2. Reconnect. From within your Katmai virtual office, press the Reconnect button (cycle icon) located in the bottom left corner of your window.
  3. Refresh the page. From your browser's menu, click the reload button (circular arrow) to attempt a full reconnection/reentry to Katmai. 
  4. Restart your browser. Sometimes a simple restart can fix temporary glitches. Close your browser completely and then reopen it.
  5. Restart your device. If restarting the browser doesn't work, try restarting your computer or mobile device.
  6. Try a different browser. In rare cases, the issue might be browser-specific. If you have another browser installed, try using that to access the app.
If you've tried these steps and are still having trouble, please contact our support team for further assistance: